SPS has been collecting samples from nearby Tookany Creek and Baeder Creek.  Information about the results of these activities and planned future sampling is described on this page.

Has my tap water been affected by the fire? 

Aqua Pennsylvania is the main water supplier in Jenkintown Borough and Abington and Cheltenham Townships.  Aqua has confirmed that this water comes from a source several miles away from the fire scene and that it is safe to drink.  You can find more information on Aqua’s website at https://www.aquawater.com/about-aqua/states-we-serve/aqua-pennsylvania

What surface water sampling is SPS performing in the vicinity of the facility?

We have been sampling surface water at five locations in Tookany Creek and Baeder Creek, both upstream and downstream of the SPS facility.  We are also conducting surface water sampling at permitted outfalls.  Surface water sampling is being conducted in accordance with a sampling plan that was submitted to PADEP, USEPA, and PWD.

What are you sampling for?

Surface water samples collected in Tookany Creek and Baeder Creek are being analyzed for the following parameters:

  • Toluene
  • 2-Butanone
  • Trivalent Chromium
  • Hexavalent Chromium
  • Total Cyanide
  • Free Cyanide
  • Oil & Grease
  • Total Chromium
  • Total Nickel
  • Dissolved Chromium
  • Dissolved Nickel
  • Hardness
  • pH

Outfalls are being sampled for the following parameters:

  • Toluene
  • 2-Butanone
  • Trivalent Chromium
  • Total Cyanide
  • Free Cyanide
  • Oil & Grease
  • Total Suspended Solids
  • Nitrate/Nitrite as Nitrogen
  • Chemical Oxygen Demand
  • Total Aluminum
  • Total Chromium
  • Total Copper
  • Total Iron
  • Total Lead
  • Total Nickel
  • Total Zinc

Who is evaluating the results of SPS’s surface water samples?

All surface water data is being sent to and analyzed by labs that have been accredited by the PADEP.  We provide copies of our daily surface water and outfall sampling results to PADEP, USEPA, and PWD. 

I have read in the news that there have been elevated levels of cyanide detected in surface water near the facility.  What does this mean? 

Cyanide has been detected in surface water in Tookany Creek.  The specific locations and results are contained in the reports that we have provided to PADEP, USEPA and PWD and that are available on this website. 

As of our March 3rd sampling event, none of the cyanide concentrations have exceeded the USEPA’s drinking water standard, though some have exceeded PADEP’s water quality criteria. The overall results are trending downwards.

A trend graph showing concentrations of free cyanide over time is depicted below. 

Trend graph of testing at site of fire 

We are continuing to monitor for cyanide and the other parameters listed above and will update this website as additional information becomes available.  

Where can I find SPS’s surface water sampling results?

You can find our surface water sampling results here.

How can I understand the information contained in the surface water sampling reports?

The following definitions are helpful to interpret the information contained in the surface water sampling reports:

  • Mg/L - milligrams per liter
  • ND - non-detect
  • “J” qualifier - a qualifier that indicates that the concentration of the constituent is an approximate value greater than or equal to the laboratory’s Method Detection Limit but less than the laboratory’s Reporting Limit.  The Pennsylvania Code defines the Method Detection Limit as “the minimum concentration that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence that the value is above zero.”  25 Pa. Code § 16.102(3).
  • RL - Reporting Limit

The surface water sampling reports are organized into the following sections:

Section 1 provides a summary of the sampling results. 

Sections 2 and 3 provide background on the report and the location of the site in proximity to the Tookany Creek. 

Section 4 provides information on SPS’s surface water and outfall sampling, including the methodology used to perform sampling and the parameters that are being sampled for.

Section 5 explains the procedures used to ensure that the data collected is accurate and reliable, referred to in the reports as Quality Assurance/Quality Control. 

Figure 1 shows the locations of surface water sampling in the area immediately surrounding the facility.

Figure 2 shows the locations of surface water sampling at locations further downstream from the facility. 

Tables 1 and 2 shows the results of surface water testing.

Appendix A contains logs that were completed in the field at the time that the sample were obtained. 

Appendix B contains a checklist of how the data was validated. 

Appendix C contains the analytical reports provided by the labs for the sampling data summarized in Tables 1 and 2.