We have been monitoring on a real-time basis various components of air emissions both during and after the fire.  The following FAQs and monitoring results provide details on these efforts.

What air monitoring has been performed?

USEPA performed continuous, 24-hour air monitoring at 2 stationary monitoring locations between February 18, 2025 and February 23, 2025.

In addition to the air monitoring conducted by USEPA, we have set up 15 air monitors around the perimeter of the facility and within the adjacent community, including at local parks and schools, to collect continuous, 24-hour air data.  We have also been performing roaming air monitoring using hand-held real-time air monitors.  Air monitoring is being conducted in consultation with PADEP and USEPA. 

Has USEPA evaluated its air monitoring data and what does it show?

On February 25, 2025, USEPA released a report containing the results of its air monitoring.  USEPA has concluded that “EPA air monitoring has not detected respirable dust or any chemicals at levels of concern to date in the air outside of the facility.”  A copy of USEPA’s Air Monitoring Report can be found here.

Who has evaluated SPS’s air monitoring data and what does it show?

We provide reports containing our air monitoring data to PADEP and USEPA every day.  You can find our air monitoring results here.

We have also retained TRC Environmental Corporation, a third-party consulting firm that did not participate in the emergency response effort, to evaluate all air monitoring data that we have collected to date.  TRC’s evaluation can be found here.

As further detailed in their report, TRC has concluded that based on the available data, there are no human health risks associated with the levels of chemicals or other parameters released into the air surrounding the facility during the fire or afterward.

Why are the air monitoring reports described as “preliminary?”

We have asked our consultant to prepare air monitoring reports on a daily basis, following retrieval of the data from the monitors.  As a result, the data is being reported before it has undergone full validation, which is a process designed to ensure that all data quality objectives have been met.  We will update this page once the data is fully validated. 

What are the parameters that SPS is monitoring for in the air?

We are monitoring the air for the following parameters:

  • Carbon monoxide (CO)
  • Particulate matter that is less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5)
  • Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
  • Chlorine (Cl2)
  • Hydrogen cyanide (HCN)
  • Nitric Acid
  • Sulfuric Acid
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Flammability (%LEL)

Air monitoring is being conducted in accordance with a sampling plan that was submitted to the PADEP and USEPA.